Monday, August 24, 2009

my recent audition for HGTV!

Hi Everybody!
this is my first attempt at blogging... please be kind as I an challenged when it comes to technology.
I went to see Julie and Julia with my life long friend Erin and it inspired me to share my journey with all of you.
Many of you might not know that I have been auditioning to get on HGTV (or just about any other network as a design host for the last 5 years.
It has been an interesting adventure and I have come really close (but not yet).
My blog will be about my life, My shop (and the things that I make to sell in it) my clients,all of the wonderful creative friends that have been blessed with, my trips to to flea markets and my auditions as I continue to knock on Hollywood's door! It may not be pretty but It will be the real true inside story of one average girl with big dreams!
upcoming post....
Auditioning for Martha Stewarts show in 2005
When Coastal Living came out to write a 6 pager on my shop Out of the Blue
a week behind the scenes of 'Extreme Makover Home edition'
behind the scenes of Style channel's 'Dress my Nest'
adventures in acting class
auditioning for HGTV's design Star in 2006, 2007, and 2008
Auditioning for HGTV's design star in 2009 the big callback!
Auditioning for HGTV's armchair designer last month (four callbacks)
my 400 square foot cottage get's a makeover
my audition tapes
and lots more.....


  1. Can't wait to read and see it all!!!
    You will make it, girl! You are SOOO talented!

  2. Thanks for being my first comment Meredith!

  3. Hey Debi...welcome to the blogging world, I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see whats in your future...

  4. Thanks Sandra, looking forward to having you at our flea market sometime!

  5. You are already a Design Star!!!! I'm your biggest fan and I don't even live close to you! I'm so proud of your efforts! I always knew your quirky ways would bring you fame and fortune! Keep up the blog, you have a natural nack for describing things! I'm so inspired I'm going to go home and spray paint all my terra cotta pots pink! Lot's of love to you and keep up the blogging, how else will I be able to keep track of you...
    Your Pacific Northwest buddy,

  6. Thanks Trisa! would be fun to work on a project together some time... you with your refined sophistication and me with the junky quirkiness!

  7. Congrats on starting your blog.......can't wait to see the rest of your adorable cottage! Love the events at Out of the Blue. I always find something special. My children love their handmade pillows from one of your vendors. Keep us posted, literally!

    Jennifer, Rusty Creek Boutique

  8. Thanks Jennifer, want to make it up to your shop too, the pictures I have seen make it look so tempting!
